Training on green cooling technologies in Germany

18 August 2017
Training on green cooling technologies in Germany

By Maraida Licerio
MAINTAL, Germany, 26-30 June

Technical advisors of BMUB-BMZGIZ Proklima projects worldwide (which promote energy-efficient and ozone- and climate-friendly cooling technologies) – including from the Philippines under the global project Cool Contributions fighting Climate Change – were trained by Proklima, with the Bundesfachschule Kälte-Klima-Technik Vocational Training Centre, on the safe and feasible application of the natural refrigerants propane (R290), carbon dioxide (R744), and ammonia (R717) in commercial refrigeration systems, for transfer to policy-makers and other stakeholders in their home countries.

Also trained were representatives of the National Ozone Units of Zimbabwe, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria, and implementing agencies of the Multilateral Fund to the Montreal Protocol (OzonAction of the UN Environment Programme, UNDP, and the UN Industrial Development Organization).

The participants also learned good practices in refrigeration and brought back complete tools and equipment, besides being briefed about emerging policies related to integrated ozone and climate protection.

A visit to the plant of the company Nordfrost GmbH outside Frankfurt showcased low-temperature refrigeration systems using ammonia chillers, and a more energy-efficient power, heating, and cooling system using heat recovered from the operation of gas turbines.

After the training, several participants proceeded to the 79th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol and the 39th Open-ended Working Group of the Montreal Protocol in Bangkok.