Sector Network Transport, Environment, Energy and Water in Asia (TUEWAS) is a regional network that promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience in the domains of Transport, Environment, Energy, and Water in Asia and the Pacific.
As part of GIZ’s knowledge and innovation management, our overarching goals, as stipulated in the Sector Network Guidelines, are:
- To promote joint, supranational learning within the region
- To generate additional value for our clients and partners
- To facilitate sectoral onboarding for GIZ’s sector personnel and partner experts
- To promote innovation
TUEWAS is also working in collaboration with other sector network within and across thematic focus and region such as SNRD Asia and the Pacific (Sector Network Natural Resources and Rural Development in Asia and the Pacific), SNGA (Sector Network Governance Asia), and Assets for Asia (Sector Network Assets for Asia).
A joint Secretariat between TUEWAS and SNRD Asia and the Pacific is located in Bangkok, Thailand. Contact us at tuewas@giz.de