NDC Assist II – Strengthening NDC Financing and Implementation

NDC Assist II – Strengthening NDC Financing and Implementation


  • Providing technical support and strategic advice on capacity building and the development of fiscal policy instruments for climate finance in the waste sector.
  • Strengthening the capacity for employees of the Ministry of Finance and potentially other key actors from sub-national government agencies (provinces, cities, regencies) in the area of climate finance and fiscal policy in a broader sense (including also the waste sector).
  • Generating revenue through improved waste management.
  • Other relevant actors, such as civil society and the private sector will be sensitized to climate finance in the waste sector.
  • Potentially, advice will be given on how COVID-19 stimulus packages can promote green economy and investments.


The capacities of member countries and actors of the global NDC Partnership and the private sector are strengthened to finance and implement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), while considering gender-sensitive aspects.

In Indonesia, NDC Assist II supports the Indonesian government in building capacity and developing fiscal policy instruments related to climate finance in the waste sector. Public servants will be trained on NDC financing and possible advice on green recovery may be provided.

Approach/Field of intervention

NDC Assist II provides technical support and strategic advice on capacity building and the development of fiscal policy instruments for climate finance in the waste sector.

Targeted beneficiaries

Fiscal Policy Agency (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal, BKF) which is part of the Ministry of Finance.

Potentially other key actors from sub-national government agencies (provinces, cities, regencies).

Highlight activities /Achievements

  • Development of the project concept
  • Operational Planning
  • Exchange with the GIZ program Concepts for Sustainable Solid Waste Management and Circular Economy (August 2021)



December 2022 - December 2023

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