Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA)

Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA)


  • Strengthen the capacities of partner countries to successfully implement climate policy, reduce greenhouse gases and increase adaptive capacity, and thus help them to contribute to achieving the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement
  • Provide a link between German international climate policy and development cooperation


With four components three initiatives (co-)founded by the BMUB: the IKI NDC Support Cluster, the NDC Partnership, and the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement. With one component, SPA specifically supports the development, improvement and implementation of developing countries’ NDC adaptation goals and makes use of the platforms that are already available as part of the initiatives mentioned above in this process.As an overarching advisory project SPA continuously ensures information exchange between the initiatives, fosters cooperation of the actors involved, and creates synergies. In all components the project contributes to capacity building by providing advisory services and platforms for exchange. In addition, it pools and disseminates climate policy knowledge and cases studies.

In Morocco and Peru, SPA coordinates the bilateral activities of the NDC Cluster.

Through its activities SPA reaches a broad target group around the world. The experience and lessons learned are fed into international discussions on climate policy implementation and the UNFCCC negotiations process.

Field of intervention

  • Policy dialogue related to UNFCCC negotiations
  • Peer-to-peer exchange on NDC implementation and transparency
  • Capacity building for on NDC implementation and transparency
  • Knowledge management related to on NDC implementation and transparency
  • Networking
  • Policy advice for BMUB

Targeted beneficiaries

  • Policy makers worldwide
  • Climate change practitioners involved in NDC implementation and setting up transparency systems


Publications/Knowledge Products




June 2016 - September 2019

Contact Person