SNRD Asia and TUEWAS Annual Face-to-Face Steering Group Meeting concluded and set in motion preparation for 2018 Joint Conference

30 June 2017

Bangkok, 19-21 June 2017


Taking stock of lesson-learned and strategically getting things moving are key takeaways of the recently concluded SNRD Asia and TUEWAS Annual Face-to-Face Steering Group Meeting.

Convened on 19-21 June in Bangkok, steering group members of both, SNRD Asia and TUEWAS, discussed main issues concerning the two Sector Networks (SNs). In pursuing the topic of the day-to-day management and current status of SNRD Asia and TUEWAS, the meeting noted the good progress made over the past months with the set-up of a joint secretariat in Bangkok through the support of two full time national staff. The meeting was in agreement that the secretariat has institutionalized, to a good extent, matters related to SNRD Asia and TUEWAS, and was able to step up efforts to support its members in the region.

The assessment of the thematic foci of the WGs allowed to identify potential for collaboration within and across WGs and SNs, In addition, speakers of the WGs presented management practices regarded as effective to the meeting. Take for example, the use of Webinars or working with external partners. At the same time, aspects that should receive greater attention were also identified. A case in point was how to actively engage members and promote further involvement of national personnel. The secretariat will prepare a ‘roadmap’ outlining how to achieve this within the year.

Last but not least, the group started preparations for the next Joint Conference – to be held in the second quarter of 2018 in Bangkok! After much debate on the overarching theme, we are delighted to announce that digitalization will be the central theme of the 2018 Conference. This very subject, which permeates all thematic areas of both SNRD Asia and TUEWAS and is aptly in line with GIZ corporate strategy, should set an exciting tone for our work and open up for unprecedented opportunities. Over the coming months the steering groups will jointly design the conference in more detail. Stay tuned for our updates on this!

The meeting has ended but our work has just begun. Stay tuned for what is to come regarding conference news and whatnot at or

By Anusara Tanpitak
Public Relations Officer,

About SNRD Asia
SNRD Asia is GIZ internal platform for learning, sharing sector-specific knowledge and networking of like-minded professionals in the field of natural resources and rural development. It stands for Sector Network Natural Resources and Rural Development in Asia, and currently links over 50 program and projects in 21 Asia-Pacific countries, as well as global and sector projects. It has seven Working Groups: (1)Agriculture, (2) Biodiversity, (3) Climate Change Adaptation (4) Hills to Ocean, (5) Green Education, (6) Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), and (7) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
TUEWAS means Transport, Environment, Energy, and Water in Asia and is part of GIZ internal platform for learning, sharing sector-specific knowledge and networking of like-minded professionals in the field of transport, environment, energy, and water. It is composed of over 60 in 16 Asian countries, with more than 150 individuals actively involved. It has eight Working Groups: (1) Climate Change Mitigation, (2) Energy Efficiency, (3) Green Education, (4) Renewable Energy, (5) Sustainable Industrial Areas, (6) Transformation – Urban Opportunities – Climate Change, (7) Transport and Environment, (8), Water and Sanitation, and (9) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Interested to join SNRD Asia or TUEWAS?
Please contact:
Nalina Hiranprueck
SNRD Asia & TUEWAS Network Manager
T: +66 2 661 9273