Grid Integration of Renewable Energy and Demand-side Energy Efficiency in India (IGEN – GEC/EE)

Grid Integration of Renewable Energy and Demand-side Energy Efficiency in India (IGEN – GEC/EE)


  • To improve the framework conditions for grid integration of renewable energies and for demand-side energy efficiency


The programme works in two fields of activity nationwide and in selected federal states: In field of activity 1 (grid integration of renewable energy) it advises federal states and national authorities on handling a large solar rooftop programme and improving market mechanisms and regulations for renewable energy grid in-feed. Power transmission utilities and load distribution centres in selected federal states, regions and at national level are being supported in renewable energy grid integration and training of their personnel. In field of activity 2 (demand-side energy efficiency), the programme supports the Bureau of Energy Efficiency in further developing the implementation of the industrial energy efficiency scheme “Perform, Achieve and Trade Programme” (PAT), improving energy efficiency in residential buildings and extending the range of available business models for demand-side energy efficiency measures.

Field of intervention

  • Grid integration of renewable energy; industrial / demand side energy efficiency; energy planning; solar forecasting; solar rooftop training programme; grid management with high share of renewable energy; energy efficiency in buildings

Targeted beneficiaries

  • Directly the programme targets people working in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency (policymakers, policy advisors, manager in electricity generation, transmission and distribution companies, load dispatch center operators, pv solar rooftop installers, bankers dealing with loans for renewable energy and energy efficiency etc.). Indirectly the target group comprises all connected private and commercial grid customers who will benefit from improved supply security. Finally the favourable climate and environmental impacts resulting from efficiency measures and power generation from renewable sources will benefit all Indian citizens.


  • Establishment of 11 Renewable Energy Management Centres (7 centres in renewable energy rich states, 1 centre each for the national energy efficiency standards for large residential buildings Northern, Western and Southern region, 1 national centre)
  • Capacity building for the development of indigenous solar forecasting in India
  • 10,000 individuals (e.g. planner, project managers, installers, bank staff, grid operators) will be accredited through training measures by the National Council on Vocational Training (NCVT) or Skills Council for Green Jobs (SCGJ) in their respective responsibilities related to installing solar rooftops
  • Supporting the Indian government’s efforts to launch and roll out its energy efficiency certification scheme for large-scale industries (Perform, Achieve and Trade Scheme)



April 2015 - March 2019

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