Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (Vietnam)

Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (Vietnam)


Among other objectives in the energy sector, the project supports the Implementation, Revision & Ambition Raising of the National Determined Contribution (NDC) of Pakistan by

  • Facilitation of Technical Mitigation Working Groups, GHGs Emissions Methodologies & Data Collection System Enhancement
  • Strengthening Methodological MRV System & designing of Climate Awareness Strategy
  • Offering technical and financial support for the abatement of Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from Nitric Acid production
  • Climate Risk Profiling of Pakistan
  • Planning and financing of Climate change adaptation at National and provincial level with special focus on women and vulnerable communities


As per the Global Climate Risk Index 2021, Pakistan ranks 8th in terms of vulnerability to Climate Change and, 135th in per capita GHG Emissions globally emitting 0.8% of the total GHG Emissions. Despite these facts, there is a concrete lack of short- to medium-term information on climate risks, the likelihood of extreme weather events, appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies. On the other hand, building resilience at the local level by creating sustainable prospects in rural areas, agricultural production, and overall economic development is of great importance. The government has shown a strong interest and commitment in adaptation and mitigation and has set its goals in this regard at an early stage in national policy documents such as the National Climate Change Policy or the NDC.

REEE-II-Climate Change project envisages a compact risk analysis based on the latest scientific data tailored to the needs of relevant decision-makers in Pakistan and an in-depth needs assessment for the agricultural sector in collaboration with the relevant local partners at the subnational level. The project also lays the foundation for systematic identification, assessment and implementation of appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures at the local level in Pakistan. It will also serve as the foundation for a future MRV (Measurement, Reporting and Verification) system for NDC implementation. The study thus serves as a relevant basis for decision-makers to make appropriate investments in mitigation and adaptation measures such as by offering technical and financial support for the abatement of N2O emissions from Nitric Acid production.

Approach/Field of intervention

  • National Determined Contributions (NDC)
  • GHG emission inventory
  • Abatement Technology
  • Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV)
  • Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA)
  • Mitigation and Adaptation measures

Targeted beneficiaries

The target groups for the information and recommendations provided by the measure are decision-makers in ministries, as well as regional (provincial) governments, government agencies, civil society, and the private sector. Furthermore, international donors and partner organizations can also use the results for their planning in cooperation with Pakistan. Ultimately, the beneficiaries of the measure are also the rural population of Pakistan, whose resilience to climate risks will be strengthened through better availability of information and data on risks mitigation and adaptation options.

Highlight activities /Achievements

  • Development of guidelines for a Technical Working Group on mitigation
  • GHG-Inventory preparation
  • A foundation for the systematic identification, evaluation and implementation of adaptation measures, which can serve as a basis for a future MRV system for the NDC implementation
  • A basis for decision makers for appropriate investments in new adapted measures
  • Development of a MRV web platform which integrates the federal and provincial departments, sectoral agencies and institutional structures for data collection, alignment and reporting
  • Increased awareness and inclusion of Youth at National & sub-national level about climate change mitigation and adaptation measures through active participation in youth conclaves at provincial and federal levels



March 2020 - December 2024

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