‘Mind the Gap!’: Inspiring Women in Transport to Close the Gender Gap

10 June 2022

Laghu Parashar, Deputy Project Head, SMART-SUT project was invited to speak at a dialogue hosted by the Norwegian Embassy in India on the topic, ‘Women in the Workforce’. He highlighted the efforts being taken up by GIZ to promote equality at every level and support female leadership in the transport sector, which has traditionally been dominated by men.

Speaking about the current scenario, he mentioned how an increase in the share of women leaders in transport will make public transportation systems safer and inclusive.

This came in continuation to SMART-SUT’s sustained efforts in promoting female participation in the transport sector through its campaign ‘Mind the Gap’, which highlighted the gender gap in transport. The percentage of women in transport remains low from both the user and administration perspective. Mind the Gap was consequently launched as an online advocacy campaign to underline these issues and encourage more women to join the sector.

The campaign featured real-life stories of women leaders from the Indian transport sector who broke gender stereotypes and overcame barriers to lead the force of change.

Mr. Laghu Parashar, Deputy Project Head, SMART-SUT speaking at the dialogue

Contact person
Laghu Parashar — Deputy Project Head
Integrated Sustainable Urban Transport Systems for Smart Cities (SMART-SUT)